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In 2018 we relaunched our Online proposition with the launch of our Residential & Commercial Property Owners product.
Since then, we have established a further six products that have been specifically developed to the markets' core appetites meaning the products are either very competitive or have leading class coverage. We continue to source, build and roll out new products on an ongoing basis.
Our Online Products
Our facility with JRP (an ERGO company), empowers you to bind 24/7 on London Market appetite business across a variety of occupants in the commercial and residential sector up to £3m any one location. We also have a strong appetite for Unoccupied properties up to a limit of £2m any one location.

Another JRP product, allowing up to £2m Sum Insured at any one location and up to £250k of contents with £5m POL. Our product allows some useful extensions to give your clients the flexibility they need when covering their UK Holiday Home.

We are specialists in cyber and technology risks. With 10 questions and Lloyd’s capacity paying away 22.5% Brokerage our goal is simple - to provide the broadest possible cyber insurance solutions at competitive rates.

With a variety of PL/Prods Excess of Loss options up to £10m x £10m, direct ability to JRP rates, wide trade pool and fast referral turnaround – our product is a no brainer for anyone needing to place London Market Excess of Loss business.

Our modern wording allows you to quote and bind up to £40m any one location outside of zone A. Insured at Lloyd’s, the definition of a Terrorist Act is wide plus with quick turnarounds on Zone A referrals, our portal is a great go to for your Terrorism needs.

PI Protect is the name of our product for office type risks. With premiums starting at £81 + IPT and the flexibility to bolt on the Liability risk means you can cover your office risks competitively and quickly through our portal. With just 10 questions, the facility is easy to use. We also have a specialist Tech wording providing tailored cover for that trade.

Our Per Capita product, with capacity from HCC, allows you to package EL, PL, CAR and Plant from £100 + IPT a section. Allowing up to 10 staff, this is a great product for sourcing quotes below the usual market minimum premiums.